Why Didn’t My Paint Last?
Have you ever gone about home improvements on your own? Like instead of hiring a professional to get the job done, you did it yourself? We have all done it! Particularly for paint though, the consequences sometimes are evident and easier to notice. Interior painting is one of the most cost effective ways to go about home improvements, and the task seems simple enough. But what happens when the paint fades? There are many reasons as to why your paint has probably faded far too quickly and today we will help you find out what those reasons are and if there is anything you can do about it. Let’s begin.
The biggest mistake that people do when performing DIY painting is failing to prepare the surface that you want to paint. Because the surface was not prepared, guess what? The paint won’t adhere like it was initially supposed to. Prepping the surface you want to paint is the most important step and it should never be skipped. If you like to apply two coats of paint, which majority of us do, just make sure that you let the first application of paint dry.
Furthermore, choosing the wrong paint for your project can be a big reason as to why your paint quickly faded. We have heard of hundreds of stories where for example, matte paint was used to paint a bathroom. That wouldn’t worked even if you worked diligently because matte will never work properly with humidity and moisture- - both these things that bathrooms typically have.
Lastly, your paint probably faded sooner than expected because it is way too exposed to sunlight. Believe it or not, sunlight is actually a very common cause as to why paints.
If you want prolonged effects on your home improvement, the best thing to do is to hire a professional. They will prepare the surface, use the right paint, and leave everything looking as it should be.